2010. március 24., szerda

On-arrival words from Portugal

Hello to you all. Maybe I should introduce myself to begin with: my name is Sara and I’m the new internee of Cseri’s staff. I’m from Lisbon, Portugal and I’m now living in Budapest as a participant of the Leonardo da Vinci Program. I’m staying until July, so you’ll probably hear from me more often.

Monday was my first day of work and I can say that all the team caused a very good first impression on me. They were all very nice and welcoming to me. I had a meeting with Vanda and Pirula, which will be my mentors, and we started by deciding on the main tasks I’d have.

And I guess the time couldn’t be more proper for me to introduce you my new project: it’s a blog, where I’ll post a picture a day of the city. The idea is to show all of you BP through my eyes. So, here’s the link www.budapestinaflash.tumblr.com and why not having your opinions about it, or even new ideas for pictures? Feel free to participate!

Today I went with Pirula to a local school, where he developed an activity about Fair Trade with the youngsters and, even though I couldn’t understand much, it was very nice to be there and to observe the interaction with the local community.

Thanks a lot for your attention and we’ll keep in touch =)



1 megjegyzés:

Unknown írta...

Sara, excelente idéia em nos trazer imagens de Budapest.
Não faço a mínima idéia se ponho esta mensagem no sítio correcto, mas fica a intenção.
O ser em português é apenas para traduzir aos teus colegas todos a dificuldade da compreensão de uma língua limítrofe, desconhecida, como o português!!